Ludde the Adventurous Miniature Schnauzer: A Journey of Waffles, Wanderlust, and Unwavering Love


In the heart of Norway, a four-year-old Miniature Schnauzer named Fritz Ludwig von Offen or Ludde to friends, leads a life that many would envy. Ludde is a dog of unique tastes and boundless energy, embarking on captivating adventures and indulging in a passion for waffles that is nothing short of legendary. Join us as we delve into the enchanting world of Ludde, where every moment is an opportunity for exploration, connection, and a longing for his beloved treats.

Ludde on the look-out
Ludde keeps watch to check and see if there's someone who needs to be barked at.
Ludde want to have some fun. He views him self as the king of Knotten.
Ludde want to have some fun. He views him self as the king of Knotten.

Ludde’s devotion to waffles is nothing short of a love story for the ages. With eyes that sparkle at the mere mention of the word, Ludde dreams of fluffy, golden waffles and hopes that his grandma will keep his dreams alive by creating these delectable treats whenever possible. Ludde’s unwavering affection for waffles adds a touch of sweetness to his already charming personality.

Me, Ludde and Knotten
Ludde smiling from ear to ear after he had waffles while I was sitting in the doorway.

 Ludde is a true adventurer at heart, and his mode of exploration is as unique as he is – Knotten the RV. Accompanied by his dad, Ludde traverses the stunning landscapes of Norway, from lush forests to majestic mountains. Hikes become thrilling quests, and each new trail is a canvas for Ludde’s boundless enthusiasm and zest for life.

Ludde wearing his backpack and ready for adventure. We were getting ready to travel to my parent's cabin in the woods for new years eve.
Ludde wearing his backpack and ready for adventure. We were getting ready to travel to my parent's cabin in the woods for new years eve.
Ludde is tired of waiting for dad. He wants to hit the trail in search for new adventures (and the Wafflebeast)
Ludde in front of Knotten.
Ludde in front of Knotten, ready for new adventures.

Ludde’s heart knows no bounds when it comes to his family. Alongside his dad, Ludde’s affection extends to his dad’s girlfriend, Kaddy, who shares in their escapades. Peachy, Ludde’s cherished best friend from Germany, adds an extra layer of joy to Ludde’s life. The camaraderie between these two furry adventurers is a testament to the power of friendship across borders.

Ludde and Peachy scouting for the Wafflebeast.
Ludde and Peachy wondering if they will finally find the elusive Wafflebeast when we reach Knivskjellodden.
Ludde, Peachy and Kaddy.
Ludde, Peachy and Kaddy enjoying a breather on the hike towards Keipen.

Bath time may be a necessary evil for many dogs, but for Ludde, it’s a true challenge. The very idea of water seems to perplex and confound him, leading him to believe that water should be dry and waffle-like. Ludde’s aversion to bath time is a humorous reminder of his distinct personality and his preference for the cosy comforts of dry land.

A wet Ludde with his backpack after we've reached the cabin.
A wet Ludde with his backpack after we've reached the cabin.

Ludde’s vocal talents are nothing short of impressive. From alerting the household to the faintest rustle to barking at shadows that exist solely in his imagination, Ludde’s barks are a melodic expression of his zest for life. Even though his target may occasionally be elusive, there’s no denying that Ludde’s enthusiastic barks are a symphony of his vibrant spirit.

Ludde complaining that he's not getting waffles when he wants to.
Ludde complaining that he's not getting waffles when he wants to.

Despite his diminutive stature, Ludde’s heart is immeasurable. His passion for waffles, thirst for adventure, and unconditional love for his family and friends define him as a dog whose presence fills any room with warmth and joy. Ludde is proof that even the smallest among us can have the biggest impact on the world around them.

Ludde and Peachy
Ludde and Peachy enjoy some downtime outside of Alta.
Ludde, Peachy and Kaddy.
Ludde, Kaddy and Peachy in a warm embrace, but Ludde and Peachy is more occupied with that the Wafflebeast might be close.
Toffa, Ludde and Knotten
Me and Ludde in front of Knotten in 2022.

Ludde, the fearless Miniature Schnauzer, captures hearts and imaginations with his unwavering love for waffles, his thirst for adventure, and his boundless affection for those who share his journey. As Ludde continues to explore the vast landscapes of Norway and beyond, his vibrant personality and endearing quirks serve as a reminder that life’s greatest joys often come in the form of small packages – packages filled with waffles, laughter, and an abundance of love.




In the heart of Norway, a four-year-old Miniature Schnauzer named Ludde leads a life that many would envy. Ludde is a dog of unique tastes and boundless energy, embarking on captivating adventures and indulging in a passion for waffles that is nothing short of legendary. Join us as we delve into the enchanting world of Ludde, where every moment is an opportunity for exploration, connection, and a longing for his beloved treats.


Ludde want to have some fun. He views him self as the king of Knotten.
Me and Ludde chilling in Knotten. Ludde have just got his favorite treat, Waffles. Just look at his smile. It's almost like he knows he's getting his picture taken. Photo: Tertit Kleppe Berg


Ludde’s devotion to waffles is nothing short of a love story for the ages. With eyes that sparkle at the mere mention of the word, Ludde dreams of fluffy, golden waffles and hopes that his grandma will keep his dreams alive by creating these delectable treats whenever possible. Ludde’s unwavering affection for waffles adds a touch of sweetness to his already charming personality.



 Ludde is a true adventurer at heart, and his mode of exploration is as unique as he is – the Knotten the RV. Accompanied by his dad, Ludde traverses the stunning landscapes of Norway, from lush forests to majestic mountains. Hikes become thrilling quests, and each new trail is a canvas for Ludde’s boundless enthusiasm and zest for life.


Ludde wearing his backpack and not looking happy. We were getting ready to travel to my parent's cabin in the woods for new years eve.
Me and Ludde in front of Knotten when we joined my parents for some days travelling from the east of Norway and toward the west. Here we had a lovely stay at Krøderen. Photo: Tertit Kleppe Berg


Ludde’s heart knows no bounds when it comes to his family. Alongside his dad, Ludde’s affection extends to his dad’s girlfriend, Kaddy, who shares in their escapades. Peachy, Ludde’s cherished best friend from Germany, adds an extra layer of joy to Ludde’s life. The camaraderie between these two furry adventurers is a testament to the power of friendship across borders.



Bath time may be a necessary evil for many dogs, but for Ludde, it’s a true challenge. The very idea of water seems to perplex and confound him, leading him to believe that water should be dry and waffle-like. Ludde’s aversion to bath time is a humorous reminder of his distinct personality and his preference for the cosy comforts of dry land.


A wet Ludde with his backpack after we've reached the cabin.


Ludde’s vocal talents are nothing short of impressive. From alerting the household to the faintest rustle to barking at shadows that exist solely in his imagination, Ludde’s barks are a melodic expression of his zest for life. Even though his target may occasionally be elusive, there’s no denying that Ludde’s enthusiastic barks are a symphony of his vibrant spirit.


Ludde complaining that he's not getting waffles when he wants to.


Despite his diminutive stature, Ludde’s heart is immeasurable. His passion for waffles, thirst for adventure, and unconditional love for his family and friends define him as a dog whose presence fills any room with warmth and joy. Ludde is proof that even the smallest among us can have the biggest impact on the world around them.


Ludde want to have some fun. He views him self as the king of Knotten.


Ludde, the fearless Miniature Schnauzer, captures hearts and imaginations with his unwavering love for waffles, his thirst for adventure, and his boundless affection for those who share his journey. As Ludde continues to explore the vast landscapes of Norway and beyond, his vibrant personality and endearing quirks serve as a reminder that life’s greatest joys often come in the form of small packages – packages filled with waffles, laughter, and an abundance of love.