Where to begin…
So you got your first DSLR or advanced point and shoot and you want to expand your shooting to more then just snaps of the family and holiday documentation, then landscapes can be a great place to start. Many people…
So you got your first DSLR or advanced point and shoot and you want to expand your shooting to more then just snaps of the family and holiday documentation, then landscapes can be a great place to start. Many people…
The trip to Dovre and Rondane didn’t go as I’ve planed. I had hoped for some eyepopping colour, but it turned out that the golden colours of autumn had passed the week before we arrived. Well, one can’t hit the…
Originally published February 27, 2011 (images from the original post have been changed or updated) Hå Gamle Prestegård (Hå Old Vicarage) is situated west from Nærbø in Hå municipality in Rogaland county. It was buildt in 1637. The vicarage was already…
Jæren is a coastal area in the county of Rogaland that streches from the Bokna-fjord in the north to Dalane in the south. It’s also situated on the southwestern part of Norway. The district is also Norways lagrest lowland area…
Original published 25-Feb-11 09:03, but revisited 01-Okt-12. Tungenes Fyr (lighthouse) is the northern tip of the district Jæren in the county Rogaland. This is one of my regular sites where I do my landscapes. Some of these pictures will be displayed here. I also would like…