The Stock Images sub-category offers a diverse collection of Toffa Berg’s photography, available for licensing across various uses including editorial, commercial, and digital projects. This section features high-quality images organized by theme and collection, making it easy to find the perfect visual for your needs. Whether you’re seeking captivating landscapes, intimate nature scenes, or unique wildlife shots, the Stock Images selection provides a wide array of options that reflect Toffa’s distinctive style and attention to detail. Ideal for designers, marketers, and creative professionals, this collection allows you to incorporate Toffa’s artistry into your projects with ease and flexibility.

The micro-stock photographer

Early on I've always wanted to do stockphotography. This is what many of my photographic heros have been doing with their pictures, and now I taken the plunge into stockphotography. I've started with micro-stock agencies since I have not got a big name in the photographic community. For me this…