Yesterday was the first time I visited Lindesnes lighthouse in 21year. Last time I was there it was on a summer vacations with my grand parents when I was 12. I can’t say I remember much of the place and I think also it have changed in those 21 years since last time I was there. As much as I love and capture these old monuments of the pathfinder at sea, I must admit that I was a bit disapointed and “shocked” at what they’ve done to the premises surround the old lighthouse. It was in my mind a bit “destroyed” and made tourist-attraction. Yes, I’m all for that we shall preserve these old lighthouses as a part of our maritime history, but let them be as they were, and also the grounds surrounding them. This is more what’s been done at Tungenes Fyr (lighthouse), and I must say I do like that lighthouse more.
Lindesnes Fyr, Vest-Agder, Norway