I know that my weekly blogpost have been away, but this week it’s back, and this week we’re off to Fjøløy. A favorite site I love to shoot. With this image I’ve taken inspiration from one of mine heroes in photography; Joe Cornish and his shot of Elgol at the Isle of Skye. I just loves how Joe Cornish shows the magic of nature and landscape, and I’ve tried here to also capture some of that magic. Fjøløy can be a place of tranquill relax, but also a place of high wind and roar. This image shows one of those sides.
Nikon D800, Nikon AF 28mm f2.8D, Formatt Hitech ND grad, Kenko Circular Polarizer.
To view this and other images please visit my website.
This image: http://studiotoffa.photoshelter.com/gallery-image/Landscape-Nature/G0000AmAVaUZIzz0/I0000rDitUQ5zp88/C0000ak7Slm8._uI
This image: http://studiotoffa.photoshelter.com/gallery-image/Landscape-Nature/G0000AmAVaUZIzz0/I0000rDitUQ5zp88/C0000ak7Slm8._uI
My website: http://studiotoffa.photoshelter.com/